Month: April 2015
Week in the life of…
20 – 26th April
Jack has passed his 5th month milestone! I need time to slow down, I can almost here the clock ticking it’s way to November and the inevitable return to work. Jack and I went grocery shopping with Uncle Jeffy, I’m not sure if the photo above does it justice, but Jeff in the Minnie Mouse mask was both terrifying and hilarious at the same time. I think it was the pink bow on Minnie and Jeff’s biceps and tattoos.
Jack and I traveled to Creswick on Friday, for the centenary celebrations of ANZAC day. Friday was a beautiful day to head about one and a half hours away from home. I even got hubby’s new car, to make the drive up. The first hour of the drive was fine, I heard Jack complain a little after that, but he must have found his dummy, and he settled back to sleep. I stupidly followed the car’s GPS, even though I’ve been up there numerous times, so I missed my chance to drive through the forest with the sun shining between the trees.
I met Nanna Leanne up in Creswick, and showing off her ‘girl guide’ skills, she quickly set about creating the fire. James and I, before we started working on the ice hockey and before we had our own house, would head to Creswick over winter weekends, to relax in the warmth of the fire. It would feel like a mini holiday and I loved the smell of the fires, and the autumn tones of the leaves as you drive through the main street.
The 3 of us attended the candlelight vigil at the field of crosses on Friday night. Jack was all rugged up in his fleecy mickey mouse suit, and was as ‘snug as a bug’ in his carrier that I wore. It was all going well until the rain fell, and it really set in! Poppy and Uncle Sam arrived later that night to attend the march the following day. I headed back home on Saturday after lunch. Unfortunately we didn’t have the lovely weather that we had on the way! It was pouring the whole way. So thankful for the car, a great ride in all that rain. Once again Jack did well for the first hour in the car. Just as I’d gotten on the bypass he lost it and started screaming. Thankfully Maccas was right around the corner, and while I got a coffee fix, I was able to give hugs to my little guy.
Week in the life of…
13 – 19th April
Jack has started watching Ben and squealing at him this week. He will lay on his play-mat, and Ben will flop down close by, and I sit there watching as Jack stretches his fingers out, reaching for Ben’s fur. If Jack can’t get close enough, he’ll roll onto his side in an attempt to move towards him. I wonder if he likes the fur in his hands, or if he thinks that Ben is like one of the pages in the books that I read to him.The range of ‘That’s not my puppy’ or Polar Bear or Bunny all have different textures that bubs are meant to reach for, and eventually associate what rough, or shiny, or soft feel like.
I’ve also attempted feeding Jack cereal this week. Attempted, meaning, that it was fun to get him used to the spoon, and sitting in the high chair, let alone the foreign taste of baby cereals! I think I read that much around when to start, what to start with, baby led weaning and all the rest, that I started going in circles. I’m looking forward to slowly introducing foods and watching his expressions – hopefully he’ll love his food just like mum does!
Week in the life of…
6th – 12th April
Every year I buy a diary, and as the days in the new year tick over, I sit down at night, and write about things that I think I need to remember. This year, I felt it was more important, to help document Jack’s first year, and list the challenges and achievements that have been met. It’s now mid April, and I cannot remember where I’ve put my diary. Instead I use my phone’s calendar to document all my important appointments – be it, coffee dates, shopping expeditions or doctors appointments. When I finally find the time to sit down and think back over the week about what I’ve accomplished, I stare at the screen, looking at the pictures that tell the story for the week. This unfortunately, is also accompanied by many green teas, chai’s or coffees, and the remaining stash of easter eggs!
Working backwards, Leanne and I went to the Chevron Market in Werribee on Sunday. While Leanne and I frequent the Flemington Market, it’s nice to have a few more options, with different stall holders at other local markets. I bought a few gorgeous and creative dribble bibs. One local mum created a dribble bib with a chewy corner, taggie bits and scrunch material – teething toy and bib all in one! The other bib i picked up had a sewn in dummy holder – her son frequently removed the dummy clips, so this was a much more reliable method to ensuring the dummy (or toy) remains attached. Her details are Leanne also picked up some little wooden toy trains and a fire engine – a boy can never have enough toys on wheels! And I couldn’t go past a geometric print soft animal thing Very unique, but hard to describe too!
Friday, Megan, Liam, Jack and I ventured into the city to have a look around the Toddler and Baby Expo at the Royal Exhibition Buildings. There were some good sales in regards to sleeping bags – I picked up a Love to Dream Inventa sleeping bag and an ergopouch sleepsuit bag, as well as a few odds and ends like pram hooks and sippy cups. The boys had a quick play, well tummy time, out in the sunny gardens, before we headed back home on the train.
I was booked into an ultrasound on Tuesday, after the Easter weekend. I had found a lump that I hadn’t noticed before, and with my family’s history, I thought that I had better jump to it and get it checked. Even though everything was fine, as I lay on the bed in the same room, that nearly a year ago, showed the first pictures of Jack, growing in my tummy, it made me realise how precious life is. So for all those reading this, please make sure you check yourself monthly – I know that I will be.
Week in the life of…
March 30 – April 5
Easter weekend heralded the start of the footy season, Hubby’s first interstate trip for the ice hockey pre-season and the end of daylight savings. I dressed Jack in his Melbourne jumper in celebration of Melbourne’s first round win, for Uncle Jeffy. We also managed to get out and enjoy a picnic at Werribee Park while the weather was nice. I really should have been making the most of the gorgeous summer and autumn weather, so hopefully, the rain that is falling now, will disappear and give a few more beautiful days before winter truly hits.
Uncle Sam and Aunt Abbey bought a musical playmat and a bunny suit for Jack for Easter. He loves laying on the mat, with his feet kicking the keyboard and it playing tunes. The fluffy suit had to be the cutest thing ever, and I spent a few minutes on Sunday taking some photos. Why is it though, as soon as I have an idea, Jack becomes instantly inconsolable and won’t play along? Poor kid, he’s only four and a half months old and he’s already hating the camera!
We spent Easter Sunday down at Pt Lonsdale with some of the extended family.