Thornhill Park, Rockbank
If you can get past the temptation of playing at one of the many playgrounds at Woodlea Estate in Rockbank, this playground is another great option, and located just an extra 5 minutes down the road. Thornhill Park is another new housing estate, located quite close to the freeway exit. The playground can be found on the main entrance road to the estate, and as it comes into view, you can see the top of the playground peeking at you. The anticipation builds as most of the playground is sheltered from the main thoroughfare. Once you climb to the top to check the view, you can see what the playground has to offer. The BBQ facilities and seating areas were also exceptionally clean.
- large enticing rope climbing structure
- Rubber mounds underneath the play structure gives different textures to run over
- rubber bridge like structure, links to climbing structure
- 2 metal slides
- nest swing
- 2 swings
- 1 large rotating net structure
- see saw
- BBQ facilities, covered seating, drinking fountain
- gravel based play with stepping paths made of letters and numbers
- timber blocks to walk on and navigate through the gravel area
- 2 diggers
- large grassed area
Jack liked:
Playing in the gravel, digging with the diggers. I call it gravel by the way, but it’s probably a mix between gravel and coarse sand. He happily climbed up the steps to repeatedly go down the slides. We didn’t play here for very long, but only because we’d caught up with friends at Woodlea earlier in the morning and it was nearing lunch and nap time. We will be back – especially when he is a courageous climber as the net structure looked great to explore!