Week in the life of…
15 – 21st June
When sleep eludes you, you do funny things. Sentences make sense only to yourself, you stuff your face with whatever is in arm range and increasing the amount of caffeine, doesn’t help your situation. Since the Christmas/ New Year period, Jack magically ‘slept like a baby’ delivering 10-12 hours of uninterrupted sleep. We also managed to skip the 4 month sleep regression that can rear its nasty head and disrupt whatever pattern bubs has. So this week, nearing 7 months, we think those toothy-pegs may have been playing havoc with our little boy. They are yet to make an appearance, however, Jack made an appearance each night, generally every 30 minutes between 1am and 3am. Oh, and occasionally at 11pm.
Jack and I headed into the city to visit my work on Tuesday. We spent the morning saying hi, and then disappeared to the Emporium for lunch and visited a few stores before heading home. I can honestly say that the change rooms at Emporium are so nice and new. The space allows mums and bubs to relax, toddlers to play and they are so clean. I ventured, quickly, into H & M – never a fun place to take a pram. The best shopping trip in there, is a fast one! We then walked to Flinders Street and caught the train and the bus home. I miss my daily wanderings down Bourke Street during my lunch break. I’m sure that my wallet doesn’t miss it though.
On Wednesday I did my weekly PT session in the morning. In an attempt to shape up before the big 3-0, and with 17 weeks until that date, I need to make a few changes to my daily habits. I think I managed a whole week and a half without eating carrot cake. So, I bought a food and exercise diary from kmart, and on the days where it’s not exactly horrible, I’m aiming to walk Benny. The other reason I want to tone up, and lose a few kg is that we’re planning a trip to the states right after my birthday. Last time we were there (for out honeymoon) I put on between 6-8kg. I love my food, and will make reasonable choices, but I also know that it is a holiday, and I want to enjoy myself! We’re yet to decide which part of the states we will visit, as we’re waiting for the NHL to release the 2015-2016 schedule.
Megan and I went for breakfast down to Werribee and afterwards, we took the boys to the library to have a play. Uncle Jeffy also dropped in and helped cooked dinner on Friday night while James was attending a corporate box footy game. With Saturday being Jack’s 7 month milestone, and the weather behaving itself, I loaded the pram with a picnic blanket and took Jack to the local park to get some photos. I’m so very lucky to have one beautiful little boy, and one amazing camera that can make photos look absolutely awesome in the hands of a beginner.