25 – 31st May
After months and months of attempts, Jack finally managed to get those magical things called toes, into his mouth. I’ve enjoyed watching the progression of Jack figuring out he had legs, to wiggling and bending the toes, watching the hands creep further and further along his legs, until finally he could reach them. Anyone who has been around babies knows that, everything must go in their mouths for further investigation. He’d figured out that if he rolled onto his side, it was easier to grab them, but still, those toes eluded his masterplan. I had seen him pull his socks to his mouth and any pants that were too long. But finally, this week, he managed to get them! I let him lay on a towel before bed with his nappy off, so that he could roll around and savour the moment.
Jack also attempted his first taste of vegemite on toast. After I put the plate down, and turned around, I discovered that he thought more of eating the plate than the actual toast. Which, to be honest, I can understand! After setting him straight about which parts to eat, he got stuck into it, and gummed the pieces to a soggy mess, which Ben was more than happy to hoover up for me. I’m sure by now, that Ben is cottoning on that Baby equals a higher chance of scraps at the dinner table. Maybe this is the reason that Ben is feeling more and more comfortable with getting closer to Jack? All I know is that Benny receives a few kicks to the head most mornings as he always lays right at Jack’s feet, and he hardly bats an eyelid.
When the afternoon looks nice, and that the weather might hold, I’ll attempt a stroll with Ben. Most times I take the pram, but if I’m feeling particularly adventurous, I’ll get the baby bjorn carrier out. As Jack has reached the minimum age/height, I can now turn him to face outwards. I think he had fun looking out to where we were going. I don’t know how he kept his lunch down to be honest though. The movement up and down isn’t exactly relaxing, and as my back starts to feel it, either from not having the carrier set up perfectly, or from the constant pulling by a 30kg plus labrador, it’s generally a quick walk. I keep thinking that I should re-visit the training that Ben had to get his walking back on track. He’d probably appreciate the 10 minutes of attention (and the treats that he could possibly get) while Jack’s having a nap.
This weekend was also the first time back at the Ice House, filming the AIHL (Australian Ice Hockey League) for the ‘Game of the week’ Foxtel episode (http://www.theaihl.com/). Previous years I’ve been helping the hubby by being one of the regular camera operator at both the Melbourne games and travelling interstate during the months of April to September. I do miss the travel, the lounge experiences and just generally spending time with hubby. I refuse to admit that I miss the game (well worth going if you haven’t seen a game!) and I definitely refuse to admit that I miss working on the production! So my Saturday afternoon/evening consisted of working during the periods, and constantly checking my phone during the intermissions, to make sure that Nan hadn’t called me. As soon as the game was over, I headed home. Safe to say that both Jack and I survived an arvo apart – well from about 3:45 PM to 7:30 PM anyway 😉 Thank you to Nan for looking after both Ben and Jack. I’d be lost without you!
Pic from the AIHL grand final 2014. Think I was about 6-7 month pregnant.