21st-27th September
We celebrated James’s 30th this week, the return of Poppy and Nanny from their overseas adventures and finished the weekend with a BBQ for Sarah’s birthday. Nanny and Poppy brought back a Miffy pirate soft toy, some snazzy new clothes, some books, a wooden pinocchio toy and a cow bell that Jack likes to shake and make as much noise as possible. Benny was spoilt too – he got a new leather collar. I’m still eating my way through all the chocolates and I keep wearing my sparkly earrings, even though I keep waiting for Jack to notice them and pull on them. Nanny, Poppy, Sam, Abbey, James, Jack and I headed out for dinner to the Sporting Globe on Sunday night to catch up for James’s birthday.
Spring time in Melbourne is just fantastic – BBQ’s, drinks, warmer weather, longer days… ahhhh…. I also returned to boxing this week – I figured that with the spring weather comes shorts and tank tops, and I definitely need to work on getting some muscle back now that Jack is already 10 months old. There’s only so much that walking can do for you, before you need a bit more of a workout to tone those muscles. We bought a bike trailer to take Jack in, so that we can all head out for a ride. We tested that over the weekend and while Jack protested to start with, he soon fell asleep. We had to buy him his own little bike helmet – they’re so damn cute when they are tiny.
Jack is pretty much on the go, all the time. I’m writing this nearly a week late, but he has now progressed to needing 2 people to hold him down at nappy time. All he wants to do is roll over and start crawling away from you, then he’ll turn around and give you one heck of a cheeky grin, before running off again. If you haven’t managed to get that nappy on him, the last thing you see is that bare bum running away. He has also started using mum/dad/ anyone lying down as a jungle gym – he’ll climb straight up and over you, the higher you are, the bigger the challenge.