9th to 15th February
Jack had his first laugh this week – while I was talking to my mother in law at the doctors surgery, another patient took Jack’s fancy. He came out with the cutest little chuckle ever – then scared himself and started to cry. I rang Dad on the way to get coffee and had to let him know over the phone, that he’s missed one of Jack’s many firsts. It made me realise how hard it must be to be a working mum, when all these little milestones occur, and to not be part of it. I’m not looking forward to the day that I have to leave Jack at day care and miss his first words, or his first steps. I spend my time now, closely looking at Jack, absorbing all the little details. Hugging him while he can still fit on my chest because I know one day, that we will both struggle to fit in the armchair together.
We also mastered our first roll (from tummy to back) and didn’t scream hysterically. Jack had been able to roll over at 2 weeks of age, but hasn’t done it since. We had toy time at mothers group this week. Jack had a few minutes playing with toys, but I spent more time playing with all the kiddy toys. Jack unfortunately passed out from exhaustion after perfecting his tummy time play.
We also attempted a trip on the train and into the city! Jack loved the sway and noise of the train and he promptly fell asleep. It made me question whether he was familiar with the noises from the daily trips that I had done getting to and from work, when he was inside all those months ago. I enjoyed a quick shop at H & M and the Emporium. I’ll be heading back to the city sometime soon.
The hubby decided that we should do a quick day trip on the evening of Valentines Day. We travelled down to Pt Lonsdale and visited Jack’s great grandmother, meeting Jack’s grandparents down there as well. Of course, we couldn’t leave Benny at home, and he loved the car trip (plus a few extra sausages from the BBQ).