August 31st – 6th September
Monday morning was the usual breakfast with Uncle Jeff. Jeff looked after Jack and put him to sleep while I took Ben to the vet for his annual needles.
On Tuesday, after PT, Jack and I finally managed to drive in and have lunch with Dad at his work! It only took me 9 and a bit months 🙁 The weather was playing nice, so when we got home we walked to Alamanda and got a coffee with Megan, before she picked up Liam. We saw the baby swans, thankfully from a distance. I’m an animal lover, but swans, I try and stay as far away as possible. When I was younger, and the family and I were in Ballarat and we all got out of the car to eat lunch at Lake Wendouree. Now anyone that knows me, knows that it would take a lot for me to not eat. That one day, which still haunts me, I couldn’t get out of the car as the swans started pecking me. I had to forgo my KFC, and the family laughed at me.
On Saturday, Megan, Liam, Jack and I headed to Waterstones Cafe in Sanctuary Lakes. The kiddies had fun playing in the kids section after we’d all finished breakfast and coffee. The boys can be both gorgeous together and the next second, dangerous! They both are yet to learn the concept of ‘gentle’. Whenever I say that word, Jack looks at me and you can tell he’s laughing. It’s a term we constantly use when he’s around Ben – normally when his hand is in mid-air, about to whack poor Ben .
Sunday was Fathers Day, and it marked James’s first fathers day. I had attempted to get Jack to hold up the letters to spell out D-A-D, and while I think it works ok, I doubt I’ll attempt it again. It was way harder than it looks. Nearly all the letters ended up in Jack’s mouth. James, Sam, Jack, Benny and I headed to Yarraville Gardens on the Sunday afternoon. While it looked sunny outside, the wind was freezing, but the boys were able to kick the footy around while Jack got to sit and crawl around on the picnic blanket. I had plans to cook James brekky in bed, but plans went astray when I went back to bed with Jack, after letting dad have his sleep in. Before I knew it, I was asleep, with Jack in my arms…
We also went to our usual baby time session on Wednesday and had our swimming lesson on Friday. Jack started clapping this week, and we think he’s either saying ‘nar -nar’ or ‘nan-nan.’ I had thought it was maybe after Nanny, but now I’m thinking it might be after banana.