24th – 30th August
I just wanted to start by saying a big thank you to a wonderful friend for looking after Jack this weekend. Thank you for looking after Jack, treating him like he was yours, and sending me a gazillion updates – made me feel like a very relieved mama! Jack and I love you Bec!!!!
This weekend was the finals of the Australian Ice Hockey League – it marks the end of the season, the start of warmer weather, and the chance that I may see my husband on the weekend! This has been the first season I’ve been relatively removed from attending the games, and helping out behind the camera. While I’ve missed the plane trips to warmer places like Perth and Newcastle, I’ve also missed the time that we would normally spend together. I’m sure that next year will be a lot different and I’ll be back behind the camera. So what has James got planned for his first weekend off? Umm, I think he’s working Friday night and Saturday. No rest for the wicked… I had better plan something for Sunday – James’s first fathers day!
Friday was Daffodil Day and I added Holiday Dougal to my growing Cancer Council bears. On Thursday, Megan and I headed to the opening of the new Plaza extension. The new stores at Pacific Werribee will be a great addition to have right around the corner, especially when I can’t be bothered travelling to Highpoint or the city. I’ve also attempted to wear Jack on my back this week – he seems to enjoy the journey a lot more than being worn on the front. Hopefully I’ll be able to take puppy for a walk more often like this, especially with Spring (weather) right around the corner.