17th – 23rd August
Benny and I ran another 2.5km this week. My ideal would be to wake up early, and head out, but, ummmm, I really, really like my sleep. With Jack being a little bit up and down in regards to waking up overnight, it’s nice for me to head out shortly after Jack’s in bed, obviously only when James is home though. I think both Ben and I need to ease into the running, both times so far I’ve come home with Benny trailing behind me on the lead.
We popped in to Nanny’s & Poppy’s on Friday afternoon after swimming, so that Jack could have his last hugs before they headed overseas. I thought it would be interesting to see what new tricks Jack has by the time they get home – that Saturday he bit down on my finger and I could feel a rough spot, like sandpaper. However getting a photo of this new emergence was quite hard. Apparently babies don’t like you pulling their lips down and attempting to take photos of their gums! Sure enough, his left front bottom tooth had broken through and his right one was peaking through as well. Oh, and at swimming, Jack crawled the length of the floating mat! I was so proud! (Can you tell???)
Dad had one of his rare days off on the weekend. We finally managed to catch up with one of James’s work colleagues, and met baby Owen, after being in the world for 3 months already. We then drove over the West Gate and down into St Kilda. It was truly a beautiful winters day – the type you know that spring is just around the corner. The bay was flat, there was only a whisper of a breeze and the sidewalk was bustling with people walking their dogs, pushing the pram or riding their bikes. Jack had his first experience playing with sand, which went straight into his mouth.