10th – 16th August
I seemed to have more videos on my phone than images this week. Jack finally started crawling forward! We’ve been going backwards and around in circles, but now, when he’s after something, he can finally put one hand in front of the other, and head in the right direction. His crawling action has a bit of work to do. He trails a leg, I think mainly because he is still lazy, and has realised that it’s easier to sit up when he gets to where he wanted to be. He is also able to sit himself up now as well!
In other news Jack’s passport arrived! As I write this, we’re 67 days away from our trip. I think we have all our accommodation now booked, just need to book our internal flights and car hire.
Ben and I headed out for a run for the first time in a bit. Poor Benny – he was lagging behind as we ran into our street and he flopped down on the cold tiles and was basically comatose for the entire rest of the evening. I love running late at night, especially on the cold nights, when the streets are quiet, your breath is foggy, and when you can see the steam come off your dog. Ben runs on a mission – he knows when I lace up my running shoes and grabs his lead, what is going on. When we head out the drive, he grabs the lead in his mouth, and he’s off. He may stop for a sniff at the start, but after that, not even another dog will break his concentration. Instead of being super excited and wanting to play with any dogs he encounters, he watches and just keeps on running. Hopefully a few more runs together and we’ll both be at a better fitness level.
Nanny came and watched Jack at his swimming lesson on Friday. A spare pair of hands is a godsend when you deal with a squirming, wet, little boy, and you also have to try and dry yourself. Jack didn’t have a long morning nap, so while he can normally last for the length of Liam’s lesson before heading home, he fell asleep in the car while I was still talking to Leanne. Jeff came over for what seems to be a regular ‘Kebab Friday’ while James is away and working.
On Saturday we walked to the park and tested out the new pram that I’ll take with us to the states. It should be fine to do the job – Jack seemed quite at home and comfortable, and allegedly it’s small enough to fit into (some) overhead plane bins. So I took the camera and the picnic rug and let Jack have a play outside. Some of the photos are below. We were even lucky enough to have the sun grace us for a portion of the afternoon.
On Sunday Nan, Jack, Megan, Liam & I ventured to Flemington Market. I bought a new pair of pants and a dummy clip from a favourite store, Button Kids (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Button-Kids/). We may have sampled the coffee and a few edibles along the way.
We all went out for dinner to Squires Loft in Williamstown, before Nanny and Poppy head overseas for the next few weeks. Jack had a great time knocking all his toy cups all over the floor, eating steak, prawns and chips and generally loving being the centre of attention. It will be interesting to see what new tricks Jack has when they get home.