18 – 24th May
We celebrated 6 months this week! Half a year, 26 weeks, and according to google, half (1 year) =182.621099 days.
I love seeing more and more of his little personality show through. The times that he can see or hear dad and his legs and arms pump furiously up and down, when he’s not sure who is holding him and he drops the bottom lip and when we ask him what does his puppy dog say, and the smile that creeps onto his face when we tell Jack “Woof, woof, woof!”.
This week I went to my first movies session since having Jack. Megan and I attended a mums and bubs session of Pitch Perfect 2 at Hoyts Highpoint and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it could be! The lights were on more than normal, and they say that the volume is a little less but I didn’t notice a difference. You really only here the noise of the bubs around you, unless of course one has a major meltdown. The session starts at 10, which for me, was almost perfect – it’s about the same time as Jack’s first nap, and being the good boy that he is, fell asleep on me, for most of the session. I was amazed at the number of mums there and if you ever wanted to pram-watch and see what is new and on trend, it was definitely the place to be! There would’ve been at least 70 mums there, and prams lined the aisles, the entry and amazingly, they even fit along the seating!
Jack’s getting better at sitting, even though I feel like a mother bird, constantly fluttering around him, making sure he isn’t falling over and face planting. More new foods this week, and with the 6 month milestone, I introduced yoghurt as well.
I enjoy watching the interactions between Ben and Jack. This week they were sharing the mat and Jack rolled over and ‘hugged’ Ben. Ben does really well and I always tell him that he’s a good boy. Sometimes Ben lays at the wrong end of Jack and will get constantly kicked in the head, and he doesn’t bat an eyelid, just continues to sleep. It’s moments like these that I love Benny, and the dog that he is maturing in to. I still wonder if he preferred life before Jack, but I think that with Jack’s eating habits and the likelihood that he will start sharing food with Ben, that their relationship will blossom, and they will become best friends.
Dad was away. travelling to Perth on Friday night and returned late Sunday night. Benny was more than happy to share the bed in an attempt to keep me warm. However, crawling under the covers and laying against me was probably a little too much! James Skype’d on Sunday morning while we were out at Flemington market and watching Jack interact with dad on the phone, was priceless. He’d only just woken up, and was staring blankly at the screen, then you could slowly see him wake up. Once he realised, the blankets started kicking and Jack started gurgling and, of course, attempted to eat the phone.