11 – 17th May
New foods this week: zucchini, mashed potato and apple and mango puree. Jack has been wolfing his meals down and as such I’ve started to add in a second feed during the day as well. The whole new foods and introducing solids still feels so overwhelming. I’m attempting to make little batches of fresh steamed veggies and obviously fresh fruit. I still have a few jars and food pouches in the kitchen cupboards for those days that I’m not that organised.
We celebrated Jack’s friend, Liam’s 1st birthday this week too! It is amazing to watch a gorgeous baby boy, grow and develop. That first time I saw you in hospital, you were a big boy, wrapped up and already trying to escape the confines of your blankets. The love and adoration, so evident on both your parents faces, hasn’t changed this whole year. You are one very loved little boy, spoilt by all that know you – your grandparents, your parents friends and of course, your mum and dad. I am thankful to be recognised by you and I love it when your smile lights up your whole face.
So Liam, Happy 1st birthday! You are one of the happiest boys that I know. Jack is lucky to live so close by, and I’m already picturing the years ahead when the boys will be able to play together and the many park dates that they will be dragging us to.